Friday, June 23, 2006

From The Desk of Jeamie

Dear Su Ying,


( can you provide me with eric's email?)

AS for the rest of ... SALSA IS BACK THIS WEEK . times as follows:
8.15 - 9.30 Beginners 102
9.30 - 10.45 Advance

The usual applies, kindly advice your attendance . and please indicate if you would be bringing any new friends for a free trial.

Oh , by the way please do check out , for the latest news on the first salsaJay group performances for SHELL and Rotary CLub ( USJ chapter). the advance students were given 1 week boot camp to come up with 2 dances for the performances. Given the time we had, i would say it was a good outing and we hope to include new faces/ dancers for other engagements.

Please join me to give , our SalsaJay team performers ( tim, tamie, jacques, zai, fai) a big PAT on their backs. Their dedication and support and hard work was certainly priceless. thanks to them we have raised some funds for SalsaJay ... which would eventually benefit everyone who come and dance at Salsajay. Yes you heard right, we have started the SalsaJay fund which would go to upgrading our current facilities to give all of your a better and more conducive environment to enjoy your weekly salsa installements. Let me also take this opportunity to thank Wee , and Nimala , for your support and for sparring precious time to learn the dance sequence, also to sathia for ta pauing late night snacks for the team to keep our energy levels up.

All in all, a very good experience for everyone. Well Done!.

p.s this sun, both timothy and i would be making an apperance at the BAYER group SALSA performance. With a little luck or two, we may be able to pull some doctors, nurses, pharmacists to our group :)

Hope to see all of you this friday.

Kind regards,
Jeamie Lee

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