Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Bayer's Performance - How scary was it ?

If it weren't for Jeamie or salsa, I wouldn't even dare imagining myself standing onstage ... in front of an audience ... performing a dance. A DANCE .... D.A.N.C.E .... what more, Salsa. Of course, this is nowhere near any form of professional salsa performance. Having completed 2 salsa performance within the same month, I guess the initial feeling of nervousness, panic and little butterflies in the tummy is not there anymore. Let me try to describe this feeling which is also commonly known as anxiety.

Anxiety - refers to a complex combination of negative emotions that includes
fear, apprehension and worry, and is often accompanied by physical sensations such as palpitations, nausea, chest pain and/or shortness of breath.

Some say it takes a lot of courage to stand onstage. I would agree to that but I think what matter most is to overcome that fear within us. That is the same fear that prevented you from walking up to someone you really fancy and say hi, just to make friends. Anyway, like they use to say ... practise makes perfect. This 3rd performance was great ... ! Well, I don't mean to compliment myself but do let me explain myself. Firstly, for one .... the sequence was wayyyyyyy simpler. Of course, performance in front of an audience whom I believe does not pay too much attention to the show helps too ! But most importantly, I actually enjoyed the performance.

The team was, of course great ! Let me tell you a little about the bunch of ... hmm .. (let me put it in nicer words) ... fun loving folks.
First one in mind would have to be Yun Chuan. This tall, slim and handsome guy is really a smooth talker. You could literally use the chinese saying "He can persuade the birds on the tree to come down" to describe him. Although you might perceive him as being a little 'blurrr' at times (which I doubt he is ...) what i really respect him is his persistency to make sure he gets it right. Yun figuring the camera out on the left photo.

Then there's Dexter the Cool, the latest addition in the Bayer's sales team. This guys, as quiet as he may be .. is actually full of surprises. I would personally think, it takes a lot for a quiet guy like him to actually take the challenge to perform with the team.

Numero tres is Mr George although Tamie prefer to address him as Georgie Porgie. For those uninformed, Georgie Porgie is actually a nursery rhyme :

Georgie Porgie, Puddin' and Pie,
Kissed the girls and made them cry,
When the boys came out to play
Georgie Porgie ran away.

Another ultra-cool personality, this gentlemen is actually the leader of the pack. After the original member dropped out of the dance team, George has volunteered to take up the role despite his tight schedules. Initally, he was unable to attend the dance trainings... hence the team had to learn the steps and teach him in the office. Eventually, he came in for classes 2 weeks before the performance to pick up on stylings.

Joie, I believe .. could me a french name. I googled for this name and found a couple of items. This picture on the left here is titled "Joie-de-vivre" or Hearty or carefree enjoyment of life .. according to American Heritage Dictionary. Anyway, being the 'smallest' in the team, she's flexible and graceful and would potentially go far in salsa. You go girl !

Next in line is Rachelle. The name Rachelle, which I am sure you would agree ... is unique. Again, I tried to google the name and found some information. Popular Rachelles include Yvette Rachelle ... well known model. I found a car name Rachelle and this piece of art. Does it look like the Rachelle we know? Like the rest of the team mates, she has loads of initiative. She puts in extra effort where the is room for improvement. A really impressive trait ...

Fui Fui may look shy ... that is until you know her better. Now, I am not saying anything here .. but you never know. Still water runs deep, so they say. What I observe in her is ... she listens, learns and executes. And what would you say to that ? WELL DONE ! Given more practises, Fui Fui has the potential to join the next salsa competition, wouldn't you say that ?

Finally, we have June .. my partner at the performance. She's also the leader of the pack, the organizer and the provider .... of the sort. She runs the show, liaise with the hotel .... making sure the program runs well and yet still need to make sure she remembers her sequence and also look good at the same time. HOW DO YOU FIND TIME TO DO ALL THAT ?? I'd say she's doing a helluva great job there ! For a beginner in salsa, she does amplify her moves to sharpness ... which some might take a while to learn that.

For more photographs on the Bayer's Performance, please visit this link.


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