Things to remember before performance
Performance PointersDue to recent performance experiance, i would like to share a few pointers or tips before a major performance.
1.) Ensure you have a good regular meal about 2 hours before your performance. Regular would mean 'NOT BELACAN FRIED RICE' or spicy food but food that your are used to eating and have never caused any stomach discomfort after eating it. If tempted to eat some delicous, interesting and flavourful dish like 'BELACAN FRIED RICE', ensure u have a good handful of 'Chi Kit Tek Aun' pills handy or some sort of medicine for stomach discomfort nearby.....Just in case.
2) Please try to keep a relaxed mind before the performance itself..... Not too relaxed until u forget some important steps such as "DOS CON DOS" during a rhueda.....hahaha (No Offence Dude.... i also got mistake during footwork mah).... Just take a few deep breaths, keep a focus mind and always take a little time and run through the steps with your partner. It helps for me.
3) If a mistake is done during the performance itself, please try and cover up by anticipating the upcoming steps and join the rest of the group. Never stand still and look as if you are lost kid in an alien world, keep smiling and moving and get into the next move. In some interesting cases, if you have accidently done an obvious move such as a paused pose but have done it at the wrong time with the song (like what i did), remain in that position until the music catches up. Always act cool and smile and hope the rest of your gang members behind pause and pose togather with you so that you dont look like a fool standing in front and not moving. If u are the behind gang members, when u see the person upfront doing some obvious mistake such as the above, please follow the IDIOT and remain calm and smile, as if its part of the whole dance sequence. If the situation gets worse, such that the front person still remain stagnent and statue-like because of brain freeze or some weird reason, continue dancing and pray to god he wakes up and start dancing again. AND finaly if the mistake is much too obvious and there is no way in the world to cover it up, by all means stop dancing and redo the whole dance sequence. This would be easier if the crowd is very supportive and you have a marvelous "crowd controller" by the name of Jeamie to comfort the audience. Oh and obviously, make sure the second time u do it, u dont screw up coz if u do, then let God help us all!! = )
Hope this small pointers would remind us of the things we should and shouldn't be doing before or during the performance. So when is the next performance?? = )
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