Monday, February 26, 2007

SalsaJay's Week Of Chinese New Year Celebration

It's Monday morning already and whilst I am preparing to go to work, I managed to pen down or should I say ... key down my thoughts. Well, it's more of a recap of what has happened for the last whole week.

Time flies like there's no tomorrow....
Time also flies when you're having fun !

I remember a week ago, I was looking forward to the Chinese New Year (CNY) celebrations, which only happens once in a year. The shoppings of new clothings, boxes of oranges, cookies ... has passed and now it's back to reality. Back to quotas, target achieving and deadlines, welcome back to the real world.

But the past week was really fun-filled, especially when you are surrounded by all your buddies, celebrating the holidays together. I've never attended so many gatherings within the same week ! Neither have have gambled so much within the same week either .. ha ha. These photos would show you how much fun we had ...


The first one on 18th Feb 2007 (Sunday) is of course our beloved teacher, Jeamie's CNY Open House ... too bad I missed the Lion Dance .... by the time we arrived, the lion was pretty much packing up to leave. Ho-hum ... got to wait for another year then. There were food, drinks and of course some dollar exchanging hands... (if you get what I mean). Anyway, here's the photo of the gatherings.

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Here's more shots on Jeamie's Open House from our "special guest" photography, James Quah.

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After a day's rest, it was the TimTam's turn to throw the open-house gathering cum potluck cum whatever-it-takes-to-have-fun party. Because of some bad miscalculations on the maps, many had trouble finding the place, but eventually all arrived in time .. for the Yee Sang session. Everyone, with chopsticks in hand .. dived into the variety of food and drinks ranging from KFC to Dominos pizza and even curry chicken. Definitely a feast for all. Here's the photos from TimTam's CNY Open-House.

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Darren's CNY Open House was held on the 21st Feb 2007 (on Wednesday) at his place, somewhere in Cheras. There were cookies, drinks ... blackjacks and mahjong. Of course, for us who is not so keen in the quick money sessions .. there's always PS2 to keep us company. Here's the snapshots at Darren's place.

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The following day was Kuok Peng's turn for the open house. And this is the 2nd potluck this week ... and goes to prove that potlucks will always end in oversupply of food ! For our potluck, it took us days to finish the leftovers ... and that's for the whole family, I really wonder how Kuok Peng does it ...

The gambling session was fun especially with KP's little darling, Ming Mei (hopefully I got the name right) accompanying us throughout the sessions. Also not forgetting KP's little surprise announcement for us.

Readers : You will have to wait a little to find out what the announcement is about.

But anyway, here's the highlights from KP's CNY Open House.

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Wilson's place was supposely the last CNY Open House for this year, but I doubt that's gonna be the end of it. Seeing how much we enjoy each other's company, I believe more will come ... slowly, it not eventually.

Here's an excerp from the loads of thank you mails after all the gatherings ....

"Dear all,

thank you for the invitiation Wilson. It has been a great fun night , and the hospitality level is way way high .. thanks to Rachel, Mike, steph , Laney, and Angela for co-hosting and ensuring that we have enough balls ( ahem ... fish balls, sotong balls), drinks, alcohol, an etc to last us through the night.

not forgetting ALL who were present. you guys are the Life of the party!!


Some captures from Wilson's Party

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