SalsaJay V for Valentine Party 2007
I don’t know how to begin…. But the past week has been crazy fun.
It was Valentine’s week, and I guess all of us went a little bonkers from cupid’s arrow. The day started off quite well …with mushy poems and I love yous flying around and as usual jamming just about everyone’s mail boxes. For a preview of the love poem , check out
I had calls for a V day small party of a sort to make up to those who were forced to come for Salsa Class on Wed. The message was bring some chocolates to share, and I will supply the mandarin oranges *GRIN* I am proud to say, we not only had some chocolates … WE HAD LOTS OF IT , thanks to Arwin, Arina and Pip !!! , Cup cakes from Pip’s boss from work, and sparkling juices which came in pink, blue and purple colours (thanks Terrence).
Datuk and Datin Michael - Stephanie Looi paid us a surprise visit , straight from their dinner … and they were thoughtful enough to bring a heart shape balloon to share with the rest of the class :P ( Meanwhile, Super Wilson was bz cooking up a storm for his dearly beloved Rachel. Hope the food was as tasty as it looks :P )
We had the opportunity to meet the other half of Derek … Yian, who by the way has the sweetest smile ever.
The night rounded up pretty well and i hope all our Newbee Jayers had a glimpse of what SalsaJay is all about.
P/s – To our Australian exports ….. Melissa, Hui Ying, Marjorie , please spread the salsa cheer around and do teach us a move or two when you guys get back here.
Thursday, 15th Feb
Time – 7.45 pm
FIRST GOOD NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT: We NOW have not ONE but TWO 2.5 aircond units cooling off the heat generated from all the SALSA in the studio. BIG, BIG CHEERS to Derek , for making this all a possibility!!!!
Anyways, back to the storyboard…. So… all the hot mamas of SalsaJay were caught off guard by the ‘papasans”. WHY? Here’s how it all unfolded.
Firstly, our Jayer Ambassador, Tony Gere, emm I meant Goh, had promised the lovely ladies with some yummylicous Lindt chocolates which he bought while high flying around the globe (that is after he had bribe me with some italiano Lavazza coffee powder which to this day I am still waiting for Wilson to find me the proper tools to brew the kopi). Pleased to say, he meant every word he promised.
Next, as we were settling down for class … Derek came a skipping along and passed me (and the rest of the hot mamas of the pre inter class) a box ( NOoooooooooo , it’s not a Diamond Ring , although it did inspire me to teach the ‘proposal’ move in class that night ..hahahhaha). I frowned … Patchi??? I must have been leaving underneath a tempurung for not recognizing the name. I used to think that Ferero Roche were one of the best chocolates around town until I tasted my first GODIVA chocolate. And according to Derek, Patchi is of the same category.
Just when we thought that the treats has come to an end, lo and behold Super Wilson pull out strings of beaded necklaces and proceeded to pass them around the ladies.
Goodness gracious, our salsa Dudes has really Out DONE, and Outshone themselves this time. Never have I seen such a show of Appreciation. So ladies, I hope all of you know what to do next time on the dance floor… Don’t’ get me wrong fellas, it’s not about the bribery that you have given to us, but it’s the thought that we ladies MATTER in your hearts.
To close off the memorable night, we drank ourselves silly with all the gentle and foreign-named booze that Derek brought , ate more chocolates …courtesy of TimTam, snacked on Sathia’s pineapple tarts from Tawian, and munch on more mandarin oranges ( terrence – thanks for the juicy one *wink*).
Photos of our Valentine Escapade are currently posted on the following websites:
Feb 14th pics
Feb 15th pics
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone ……..
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