Zhang Zhen Hong EP Launching
This post is way overdue ! Yeah .. I finallyIt's finally the weekend that I've been looking forward to all week. I know it's nothing new, we all look forward to the weekends ... but this weekend was extra special! So special that I woke up extra early to get prepared ... I checked the batteries on my digital camera and making sure I have enough memory space for my photo shots later.
24th March 2007 ... is Zhang Zhen Hong's EP launch day. For your information, Zhang Zhen Hong is the latest upcoming star ... in the arena of chinese music. You can find out more about him from Wikipedia or better still, visit his blogsite at http://zhangzhenhong.blogspot.com.The launch was to be held at Halo Cafe in Sunway Pyramid at 11:00am and I was already running late. Checked my watch .. geez ... it's already 10:30am, I jumped into my car and stepped on it. Arriving at Sunway Pyramid, there were queues at the entrance as usual ... what luck! Good thing there's jockey parking ... so I parked my car and quickly rushed into Halo Cafe. I looked around .. there's a few people around, mostly friends who came to help ... and the makeup artist just got in as well.
I signed on the guest book as request and proceeded to look for Zhang Zhen Hong. I finally located him after making some inquiries, apparently is in the makeup room. I knocked and opened the door, and there he was .. sitting there while the makeup artist, very skillfully 'did' him up. I asked for permission and ran a few shots of him having his face done. I have to agree, I like him better when he is smiling. But then again ... I am not exactly in the position to compare, I mean ... he's Zhang Zhen Hong ... for goodness sake!After finishing my shots on him, I left the room and headed towards the press area. Most of the seats were already taken so I decided to stand while waiting for the event to begin. While waiting, I paid attention to the background music ... they were already playing his song ... it was Beautiful Lady. I got his CD a while ago and I've ran through all his numbers. There's 5 songs in it ... and my favourite ones were Beautiful Lady, Ni Shi Wo Wei Yi (You're My Only One) and of course Shou Hou (Waiting). As much as I would love to sing along to his songs, I must admit I am a banana (I don't know about elsewhere but in Malaysia and Singapore, a chinese who can speak, read or write in mandarin is termed as a "Banana"). Well .. there's always Hanyi PinYin (romanized chinese).
Finally the MC walked up the stage to introduce Zhen Hong (hmm ... I am now on second name basis with him huh ...?). Yeap, the event has begun ....
After some brief introduction, Zhang Zhen Hong made his appearance on stage to further introduce himself. And he followed on by belting out his first number, Beautiful Lady which is quite a crowd favorite. This is judging from the reaction of the audience ... especially the ladies. They just seemed so mesmerized by his song ... (or was it his looks?) ....
As he was completing Beautiful Lady ... suddenly 2 beautiful ladies ran up the stage and stood next to him. If it weren't for the similar dress-ups (which I believe are their costumes) I would've thought they were his fans. Anyway, Ni Shi Wo Wei Yi (You're My Only One) was playing on the speakers .... and Zhen Hong awed the audience with a superb dance performance.I do believe the ambiance within Halo Cafe suddenly became a little warmer after the performance, possibly because of Zhen Hong's 'hot' moves. I am sure the ladies in the house are already in love with him .... (gosh I wanna be singer too ...)
This is the part where I need to summarize the whole event as I am already taking up a little too much writing space. I could go on and on .. since the story I was about to tell is not even halfway through, but you'd probably be snoring by then. So I am deciding to let the photos tell the stories ... Anyway, following on to the story, there were press conferences, appearance of Regine Tai and finally Zhen Hong belted his other numbers and that was it ....
And I shall sign off here for now. Until my next album launch (as if la ...)...
1 comment:
Dear Timothy,
Thank you for taking time to write about my event. I really had fun that day. To tell the truth, that day would have been completely dull and boring but for the participation from all of you. Once again, Xie Xie Ni Men!
Zhen Hong
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